Remember how I’m a big fan of buying napkins at Pier 1 for their patterns/colors? And then they sit in my crafting stash and I never find a use for them?

Well, I finally did something with one of them.

The frames were on sale at Wally World for 75 cents and they were white. I painted them black (because I’m painting everything black… just wait) and moved the glass frame around on the flatware print napkin to find what section would fit perfectly. I framed up the sections with double stick tape and voila! Fresh framed art for the kitchen!

Napkin Before:

Napkin After:

I haven’t hung it up yet but as soon as I do, I’ll get this post updated with a pic. We are looking at a house tonight and then we are off to the ball park this evening for softball league (not me, it’s the beau)… hopefully the weather is nice where you are this Tuesday!

P.S. Please excuse the awesome pics of the frames… I always think my iPhone is taking great pics until I put it up against a photo taken with an actual camera.

<a href="http://”><img border="0" alt="Creations by Kara" src="http://” title=”Creations by


Filed under kitchen, projects

5 responses to “FRAMED!

  1. So cute!!My brother used to work at Pier 1 and I harrassed him hardcore until he bought me some toile napkins and I made them in to pillows.

  2. Very creative…look at you! I took some square wicker chargers from Pier 1 and hung them on my wall. Maybe you would know that if you would have stopped by instead of stalking me the other night.

  3. absolutely adorable! great job! I hopped over from Kara's. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment. I made some fabric flower necklaces. until later…

  4. Hopeless Chest – I got the cream background red pattern toile a couple years ago for pillows!Ashley – Now I'm really gonna stalk you just because you said that. lolMary Beth – I'm on my way over now! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Very cute! You've done some great projects! 🙂

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