Category Archives: the plan

The Plan: Laundry Room

I always find when looking at re-decorating anything, I want to start in the smallest room and work my way up to the biggest room(s). In the old house, it was the bathroom where I tried things out and started first. In this house, while the bathroom is the smallest, the laundry room is the most cost-effective place to start.

The laundry room houses our washer and dryer, an old portable kitchen island we use as storage, upper cabinets above the washer/dryer, one window and a built-in pantry. The floors are carpeted and the walls are painted wood paneling, just like the rest of the house. I will say that the walls were painted very well, which makes my work very easy. The accordion doors are wonderful for keeping the dryer noise from the rest of the house, but not so pretty.

The Plan:
* Replace Flooring – Ceramic tile will be extended from the kitchen into the laundry room.
* Paint – Walls get a fresh coat, cabinets get painted out, island gets painted.
* Replace Light Fixture
* Pantry/Cabinet Organization – Clean, fresh lining, organize.
* Window/Door Dressing – Blinds for privacy on the window, curtains to support the decor.
* Decorate!


I can’t wait to get started on this project. It may take some discussion with the boy to start here, because he’s a big-picture kind of guy, but I’m sure when I bust it out quick, he’ll be greatly appreciative.

Any thoughts or tips from your own laundry room re-do?

Photos courtesy and

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Filed under interior design, laundry room, the plan